God, who created the world in perfection, is Himself perfect. He is too holy to look upon sin. And He has decreed that no sin shall go unpunished.
MAN, created sinless, in the image of God, sinned in Adam. And that original sin has been inherited by all of Adam’s progeny. Man is utterly depraved in mind and soul, he is a rebel to God’s will. All of his efforts to justify himself come to nothing, because he cannot undo any of His offense against a Holy God.
Christ, the second person of the trinity, the Son of God (who loves the world he created and man who is helpless to save himself), because of the great love with which he loved us, was born of a virgin, such that He did not have original sin. Christ lived a sinless life, perfectly upholding the Law of God. This Jesus died upon the cross, bearing our sins, He became sin who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God. For three days His body remained in the tomb, and on the third day he rose for our justification, as the first fruits of those who would be resurrected in righteousness by God. He then ascended to Heaven where he sits at the right hand of God, interceding for His people. And one day He will return to conquer His enemies, and then to judge the world.
The only acceptable RESPONSE to the gospel message is faith and repentance. You turn from your sins, having a new mind about them, and cast your every hope upon Jesus to save your soul. This is not a matter of doctrine, creed, assent, or will… But the response of a cleansed conscience toward its redeemer. This is TRUST in Christ.