As our Association’s webpage proudly declares, “Missions Is Our Middle Name!”

Our church is a proud member of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. We are proud to support individual missionaries we know through the association. Our members also support missionaries and ministries they are personally acquainted with.

Our members are active participants in foreign missions to the Philippines where they help in an orphanage and preach the gospel to the People of the Philippines. We are expecting to see many more missions trips to this countries and even to have the opportunity to help support our own missionaries in the future – even now we have several who are seeking the Lord’s guidance as they discern His will for missions in their lives.

Missions is much more than service trips or professional gospel sharers in a foreign land. The great commission, as literally translated, tells us, “…As you are going, make disciples of all peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you… This means that missions is to happen everywhere. Every person is given this command. Every person encounters someone who does not know Christ. If you won’t share Christ in Tyler Tx, you won’t share Him in the Philippines or Eastern Europe or in Israel. “Missionary” is not supposed to be an occupation, but a calling for all. There are certainly some who are called to far away lands, and the church is to help support their ministry. But we must get a much more personal view of missions if we are ever to have a biblical view of missions.